Bags’ Top 10 – Best Slashers

Halloween is when horror movie guru’s like myself really come out and shine. I love the entirety of the horror genre, but I have a particular affinity towards the slashers.…

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Bags’ Top 10 – Best Horror Games

It’s spooky season, and my video game habits are of no exception here. Horror games oftentimes effect me more than movies, because in a horror movie, you’re watching bad things…

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Bags Top 10 – Fall Stuff

Today is the first official day of fall, my absolute favorite season. So let’s say we go through some of my favorite things that make this season great?I will say…

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New Horror Release – Barbarian

I’ve always been a bit of a horror movie fanatic, keeping my eyes out for something new to scream to. This movie caught my eye, and actually released today. It’s…

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