Golden Grahams

Golden Grahams

Wow! Didn’t know that Golden Grahams were still a thing! So yeah. I bought a box. and now this damn song is Stuck in Puck’s Head

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Puck R’members

Puck R'members

Remember back when David Bowie collaborated on a song/video with Trent Reznor? Puck R’members. It was over 25 years ago.

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Is It EDM?

is it EDM

The new Jack White song slaps. But is is EDM? Well, maybe. Maybe not. Maybe you shouldn’t overthink it. Maybe it Rocks.

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Do What I Want

Do What I Want

Some days, you get a song stuck in your head but have NO IDEA what it is. This was a tough one. But I figured it out.

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Usually? NOT a big fan of mashups. But when one is done reeeally well? That’s another story. This one is totally the mother of all mashups

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What Ever Happened

what ever happened

What Ever Happened to Steve Miller? Seriously. The dude was a mega-rock-star in the late 70’s and early 80’s but then he just disappeared.

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Cello, Baby

The Cello

I played the cello for a long time when I was young. And I always wanted to do what Apocalyptica did. Make it rock.

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Not The Movie

not the movie

The Song. Not the movie… but now after typing this… I wanna watch the movie for the 87th time. Littering, and?… Littering, and? …

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I’m not Jiggy. I didn’t know that a Fresh Prince reboot was a thing until I saw the ad in the Super Bowl. And I’m not Jiggy with it.

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