Our Listeners Are Pretty Cool

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it for as long as I’m here. You guys ROCK.Now, I could say this for numerous reasons. I could mention how fun you…

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Dry January: Finished!

If you’re one of the many people who decided to pass up the booze for January, congrats, cause we made it! I’ve said this whole time that the entire process…

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Dry January: Day 25

Hey, we almost made it! If you’re doing Dry January, we’re now in our last full week, and headed into our last weekend of this whole thing. With it almost…

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Dry January: Day 16

Ohhhhhhhh we’re halfway there…. and whatever else Bon Jovi said. So if you’re doing Dry January along with me, we’ve officially made it past the halfway point. If you can…

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Dry January – Day 9

As a few of my friends do every year, I decided to jump aboard the whole “Dry January” thing. We’re early in the process so far, but here are a…

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Bags’ Dry January – Day 2

Dry January is something many Americans do each year. Some for health benefits. Some to help practice moderation and restraint. Others just for the challenge of it. Some, like me,…

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