Missin’ My Truck
That sounded like a country song title. The last few days there’s been some interference with our signal and we’ve accidently played some country music over the air. Those accidents must be seeping into my brain and putting a little howdy in my giddee up!

Thankfully that problem has been taken care of and we can get along with our lives….except I still miss my truck. I had a Ford Ranger for 8 years of my life. We called it “The Dange” and it was a beaut! Five speed manual, the windows were hand cranked and if you went too fast on the driver side the handle would fall off. Best truck EVER!

When I traded it in it was a bummer but I really didn’t miss it until recently when a new TikTok song came about Ford Rangers and now it’s all I think about. Any time I see a Ranger I point and yell it out to The Wife, she loves it. The song is stuck in my head and now it’ll be stuck in yours! Word of warning, it has lots of cuss words in it so listen in the proper company.