Best of the Morning Sickness – The one with all the gross behaviors.
January 15, 2021/
This week, we started out with a CLASSIC Monday Morning Throwback, the Bacon discussion from 2015! Plus, some tips for a happier, more positive new year.
We talked about cleaning your nasty-ass cell phone, and Brian told his Amway/swinging story after being invited to the Hunting Shack with Boxer Todd & his lovely wife.
There was a list of products that people are unwilling to compromise on, and a list of states that love Bacon the most.(Thankfully, WI was in the top 10).
Speaking of pizza, we had a shocking story about a guy who puts his hot pizza under the faucet to cool it down. And, some common, gross behaviors that we’re all guilty of.

Posted in Best of the Rock Mornings