Tips for a happier & more positive year.
If I were to give advice on how to be happier & more positive this year, I’d tell you to eat more Bacon, drink more beer, have more sex, and take more naps.
I’d tell you to work less. Watch more movies. Spend less time arguing with people on social media. Pet all the dogs.
But, I’m not an expert on happiness. I just know what would help me in the new year.
If you had a rough 2020(and many of you have), and are looking to be happier & more positive in the new year, here’s some tips from people who are wiser than me:
Start as soon as you wake up each day. Scientists say that your subconscious may be the most active right when you wake up, so training yourself to think more positively in the morning can set you up for a better day. Maybe try a Stuart Smalley?
Drown out the negative thoughts. Research says that we need at least FIVE times as many positives experiences to counteract one negative experience. YIKES!
Focus on finding more positivity. Fill your day with as many positive thoughts as possible. Listen to the good music, look for good news on the internet, or watch funny videos like this one:
Lastly, hang with people who make you happy. Not that you have to live in an echo chamber…that ain’t good for anyone. But if someone is constantly negative, that kinda spirit can drag you down with them.