Do you have an “old person” name?
Welcome to Tuesday!
We obviously talked about yesterday’s weather and discussed the Odysseus moon rover being tipped over on the moon, and a fantastic story about a treasure trove of unopened hockey cards!
During our early sports report, we talked about the recent injuries to college basketball players due to court storming and what the NCAA might do about it.
Let you know what’s new on New Release Tuesday, and Brian went on a rant about putting sidewalks in the neighborhoods on the south side (he doesn’t want it).
Our good news this morning was a bus driver in North Carolina that saved the lives of 28 kids when her bus caught on fire.
During a three-way with Shaw, we discussed the upcoming “surge pricing” changes coming to Wendy’s, and got an update on Elijah Vue, the missing child in Wisconsin.
Shared the news that Ole Anderson, an original member of the Four Horsemen, passed away at age 81, and also asked the question, “Do you have an old person name“? after a mom recently went viral after her daughter told her that she had an old person name.
While running down a list of birthdays & dates in pop culture history, we found out that a UWL alum was in the movie “Some Kind Of Wonderful“.
During the Friggin’ Sports, we talked about a professional bowler that was arrested mid-game on charges of child pornography.
“Bad News with Happy Music” this morning consisted of stories about a handcuffed prisoner that managed to get away from the cops, a couple in Kentucky that got married in a convenience store bathroom, a guy who lost a winning Powerball ticket, a moron in India that jumped into a lion’s den and got mauled to death, a Vegas dude who got popped for DUI and peed on an officer’s leg, a wedding guest that fought basically the entire wedding party, and a singer in a metal band that was giving estrogen to another member of the band in an attempt to steal the guy’s fiance.