I’m Vaxxed, Relaxed and Ready to Socially Distantly Mingle!
Got my second poke today and so far, it is 2:06 at present time of writing, I am feeling great! Let those anti-bodies course through my veins!

Some people have said it’s rough getting that second one though. Some friends in Fargo told me they were wrecked after the second one. I told them it’s because they live in North Dakota and they told me to shut up. Sorry your state sucks! ok, ok I’ll stop the North Dakota slander but just remember we could combine both Dakota’s and call it Super Dakota and 83.7% of the American population would have no idea or care!

Vaccine distribution in Wisconsin has been pretty solid and La Crosse county is doing really well too! If you are interested in getting yours but not sure how or where to sign up, check out the La Crosse County Health website, https://lacrossecounty.org/covid19/vaccines and see all of your options!
And if you thought I’d let today go by without a tune, you thought wrong.