Pints With Puck – DAYGLOW IPA : Elysian Brewing
Pints with Puck today offers up a BIG IPA. Big Hops, Big Flavor, Big ABV (Alcohol By Volume) And it has a TIGER with frickin’ LASER BEAMS shooting out of its eyes on the can. You had me as soon as you triggered my inner Dr. Evil

The can is epic. The beer is delicious. A really smart dude is going to tell you about it… well, just listen:
Now, it’s the tail end of what used to be the IPA season. Yet I say, there is no longer an IPA season. Most of the really good ones are brewed year round. And with IPA’s outselling nearly every other beer style 5-to-1… that’s going to continue.
Allow me to add, that it’s currently Oktoberfest/Marzen season, with Stout & Porter coming right up. But I’ve always been against the whole concept of a beer “season”. My opinion is that you should just drink what you like, when you like, no matter the date.
If you want to down a double chocolate coffee porter in the middle of July or an ice cold lager in a frosted mug when it’s twenty below? Go for it.
But, since everybody loves a good Fest, we’ll dive into some Oktoberfest beers in the next few weeks. Maybe even a pumpkin *gasp
Pints with Puck runs LIVE every Thursday at 12:30ish. Puck has been has been a beer fan since he turned 21… yeah. 21. Got it. He’s not an expert. He’s not a snob. He just likes beer. And he’s more than happy to recommend a good one. Check out Puck LIVE (from his daughters bedroom) during the pandemic from 10:00-2:00 weekdays. Listen Here