Free beer on International Beer Day!
August 7, 2020/
Today is International Beer Day!
As if we needed an excuse to have some beers on a Friday.
And Miller Lite is giving away free beer.
Unfortunately, you gotta travel if you want to snag some of it.
If you buy some Miller Lite in a US city named after another country(International Beer Day, y’all), you can then upload your receipt to the Miller Lite website for a rebate sent via Venmo or Paypal.
In our area, you’ll have to drive to Denmark, WI…which is over by Green Bay & a solid 3.5 hour drive.
Or, you could drive to Finland, MN or Saint Vincent, MN….which is WAY up there, about a stone’s throw from Canada, eh?
And if you’d rather drive to Iowa, you can visit Panama, Norway, Jamaica, or Macedonia!
For all the info, click here.

Posted in Rock Mornings