Nut facts on National Grab Some Nuts Day.
August 3, 2021/
Today is National “Grab Some Nuts Day”.
As in almonds, cashews, peanuts, pecans, etc.
Not this kind of nut-grab:
Or this kind:
No, National “Grab Some Nuts Day” is more like this:
Personally, my favorite kind of nut is a cashew. Especially if it’s salted. I also enjoy peanuts…the occasional pistachio…but that’s about it. I know they’re a healthier snack option than a chip or other baked item, but it’s rare that I buy nuts.
Here’s a few stats on nuts for National “Grab Some Nuts Day”:
- America has more nuts than anyone else. 40% of the world’s nuts are grown right here in the U.S., and we lead all other countries in nut production.
- Women eat more nuts than men. Around 38% of Americans will eat nuts today at some point…that includes all the nut butter we consume(Am I the ONLY one who giggles EVERY time he reads “nut butter”?).
- There’s a world record for crushing nuts by sitting on them. Because, of course there is. A dude in Japan set the record by crushing 122 nuts in under a minute.
- Grabbing a handful of nuts is good for you. A study at Harvard found that the more nuts you eat, the longer you live. Almonds have the most fiber, and macadamia nuts have a lot of healthy fats.
- The largest nuts in the world weigh over 50lbs! They’re called “coco de mer” nuts & they’re only found on a few islands in the Indian Ocean.

Mmm…put that sumbitch in your mouth!

Posted in Rock Mornings