Actually, it’s not. But if you watched Groundhog Day 3 1/2 times yesterday like I did… then, well… It kinda is.

Groundhog Day (1993) - Transcript - Scraps from the loft

For the next few days we will all (at some point) say: “Don’t drive angry” – “I’m A god, not THE god” – “Too early for flapjacks?” – “Got the shingles real bad” and of course… BING!

Groundhog Day Simulator in 3 Fun 'Variations'

You’ll get Sonny & Cher stuck in your got dam cranium, and all will be right with the world as you relive one of the greatest dark comedies, EVER. over and over and over again.

Groundhog Day Movie Review – Cadet Call

But alas… today IS NOT Groundhog Day… You may FEEL like you’re stuck in purgatory, but let me assure you: You’re not. It’s just your life.

What? Too dark?


He’s BACK. In the studio. LIVE (at least for now) 10:00-2:00 weekdays. So keep wearing your mask. Listen Here


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Puck has been here since the beginning. Like, in the 90's... He Rocks. He makes pretty pictures, he's a pretty good dad, and cooks really awesome food. Catch him live from 10-2 weekdays and in his daughter's bedroom on Sunday