How much are you spending on streaming?

A few years ago, the wife & I finally decided to cut the cord.

At the time, we had the biggest cable package along with internet, and it was costing us over $200/month.

The service was fine. We liked the DVR, had no issue with the internet speeds, but just couldn’t see spending almost $3,000 a year on it.

We were also paying for Netflix, Amazon Prime & Hulu at the time. Getting hundreds of channels that we NEVER watched made no sense anymore.

Now, we’ve got Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Disney+ for about $50/month…along with our $50 internet subscription. It’s still a bit much, and we’re thinking about dumping Hulu and possibly Disney+.

Thankfully, with a Firestick, you’ve got lots of streaming options. Unfortunately, everyone’s getting into the subscription service game.

According to a recent study, the average American is spending $47/month on streaming services now, which is up 24% from last April, when we were only spending $38/month.

The study also found out that most of us subscribe to four different services, while 13% of us use seven or more!

I have thought about getting HBOMax since Warner Brothers announced that they’ll be releasing all their 2021 films on the streaming platform the same day the movies are released in theaters.

That includes the “Dune” reboot, “Godzilla vs. Kong”, and “The Matrix 4”.

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Brian Simpson

Unapologetic fan of the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins & Celtics. Lover of powerful, dark beers. Married with NO kids. Ever. Lover of doggos. Not so much cats.