Unplug for $2021!!!!!!

Between my laptop, the several TVs in our house and my phone, I’d say I have a screen in front of my face for about 18 hours a day.

It’s DEFINITELY something I’m trying to change in 2021. Obviously, in the winter, it’s a bit tougher to get out and do things, but come spring & summer, I’ve got plans to spend more time on the Harley, learn to kayak, and go for a lot more walks with my dogs.

If you’re anything like me and you’ve got sore, dry eyes to go along with a bit of a headache from staring at a screen for too many friggin’ hours, then Trips to Discover wants to be your wingman!

Right now, they’re looking for one lucky person to completely unplug for three days at a nearby, highly-rated Airbnb.

Sounds simple, right?

You’ll need to leave any & all devices in your car & avoid any that are in the Airbnb. You’ll also need to daily journal of your experience(you do remember how to write, right?). You’ll need to complete a short, mindfulness exercise each day, and you’ll have to take a photo or two with a single-shot camera that’s provided.

For your stay, you’ll need snacks & gas money. They’ll be picking up that tab with a $200 stipend for gas, and a special delivery of snacks to enjoy during your stay.(Better be pizza)

And after it’s all said & done, if you can abide by the rules & follow the minor extra steps, you’ll also get an extra $200 for your trouble.

You must be a US resident & be 18 or older to apply. Winner will be contacted after January 31st.

For all the info & to apply, click here!

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Brian Simpson

Unapologetic fan of the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins & Celtics. Lover of powerful, dark beers. Married with NO kids. Ever. Lover of doggos. Not so much cats.