Tips for hosting a great virtual Christmas party.
December 21, 2020/
In case you missed it, Zoom has announced that it’ll be suspending it’s 40-minute time limit for free accounts during peak times during the holidays.
The unlimited meetings for free Zoom account holders are:
10 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 23, through 6 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 26.
10 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 30, through 6 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 2.
So, if you were worried about not having enough time with your family members over a Zoom call, fear not!
If you are planning on hosting a virtual Christmas party this year with grandma & Uncle Bob, here’s a few tips:
- Send out invites. DUH! Make sure you figure out when everyone will be free for a virtual get-together, which platform you’ll be using, and make sure that your less tech-savvy family members are able to figure it out.
- Have an agenda! Doesn’t have to be strict, but a time to log on, as well as a designated game or activity and a designated end-time!
- Keep it short. Sure, Zoom is suspending the time limit, but who wants to watch your Uncle drink Busch Lights for three hours? Okay, maybe you do. But like most things in life, short & sweet is the best option.
- Make sure everyone knows where the mute button & how it works! Hearing granny go to the potty might create mental scars that will last forever.
- Take some pics or screencaps. Can be easy to forget this one, but it’ll make for some great “2020 memories” in a couple of years.
Special mention – Make sure there’s alcohol. You might need it!
Posted in Morning Sickness