Get paid $2,000 to watch every episode of your favorite show.

Damn…get paid $2,000 to watch my favorite show & post about it on the ‘Gram or Twitter?

Sounds pretty friggin’ sweet.

Now, the Simpsons is probably my all-time favorite show, but if I’m going to get paid to watch a show from start to finish, I’m going with Seinfeld. More bang for my buck. If I were to watch all the episodes of the Simpsons, I’d only be making $8.02 an hour…but if I were to binge all the Seinfeld episodes, it’d be $28.98/hr.

Not only can you get $2k, but you’ll also score a one-year subscription to you preferred streaming service, a comfy blanket, a $100 Grubhub gift card, some popcorn, candy & other assorted treats!

Now, where do I sign up? Here, actually.

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Brian Simpson

Unapologetic fan of the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins & Celtics. Lover of powerful, dark beers. Married with NO kids. Ever. Lover of doggos. Not so much cats.

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