Help staying positive.
I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve struggled mightily to remain positive during all this Coronavirus stuff.
At first, I was okay, but the day the first case in La Crosse County got reported, I had a massive anxiety attack here in the Rock studio. I think we all knew it was going to happen…but hearing Scott Robert Shaw say it out-loud & reading it online just triggered something and thanks to modern medicine and some breathing exercises, I was able to calm the F down and get back to reality.
But it’s tough to stay positive when almost everything you see & hear is doom & gloom. I’m not trying to mitigate the seriousness of the Covid-19 pandemic, but I’m trying my best to hold onto some semblance of a normal life.
Thankfully, there’s a website out there that is nothing but positive news!
From a church in Cincinnati that raised $230,000 to cover babysitting and childcare costs for healthcare workers who are on the front lines….to a restaurant in San Francisco that’s been flooded with orders after they launched a program called “Adopt a Doctor or Nurse” that lets you send meals to hospital workers….to something simple like the mailman in England that’s been cheering people up by dressing up in different costumes to deliver the mail. Including a Trojan soldier, and a German beer maid….or the principal in Traverse City, Michigan who couldn’t do announcements the normal way, so she went to a fast food drive-thru . . . just to tell a teenager who works there that she’s the valedictorian of her class.
The positive news is out there, and this website is focused solely on that.