Bangor 1st Responders Halloween Dance
The Bangor First Responders annual Halloween Dance Fundraiser is Saturday, October 31, 2015 at the fire station!
The Bangor First Responders is a volunteer, non-profit organization that provides emergency medical response to Bangor and the surrounding areas. The Halloween dance is our primary fundraiser each year and the monies raised are used to keep our members trained, pay for supplies, and maintain our building space.
Donations can be made either by mail:
PO Box 192
Bangor WI, 54614 or call (608)498-9205 for pick up!
There will be a “kiddie parade” of miniature monsters, an adult costume contest, food provided by the Merrimakers, raffles and, this year, music all evening by Troubleshooter
Entrance is $3 for adults and $2 for kids.
Theme: “Zap! Bang! Pow! Have a Super Halloween!” Dress as you favorite superhero.
Doors open: 8:00
Music starts: 8:00
Kiddie parade: 8:30 – Kids are awarded prizes
Adult Costume contest: 10:30 – first three places in the adult contest also will receive prizes
There will be raffles with donated prizes for the winners. Raffle tickets are $2 or three for $5. Chance prizes – 1 ticket $1, 6 for $5 or wingspan $20
All proceeds from the event go toward training/certification for members, supplies and equipment, and building/vehicle maintenance.